公共安全 & 安全



澳门新葡京博彩致力于为学生提供, 教师, 工作人员, 并为游客提供安全可靠的环境. 安全 is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on both the 冬天还 and 莱克兰 camp使用s.

在紧急情况下, you can reach 安全 by calling the 公共安全 and 安全 Communications Center at 863.297.1059.

  1. +接收紧急警报

    在继续努力确保学生的安全, 教师, 和工作人员, 澳门新葡京博彩 has partnered with mass notification system Everbridge to provide important alert notifications as they happen and allow those on campus to easily report suspicious and dangerous activity or call for help.

    所有活跃的学生和员工将自动收到Everbridge警报. 如遇恶劣天气,我们会发出通知, 自然灾害, or other unforeseen and immediate conditions that may affect the health and safety of students or employees. Alerts will also be sent in the event of emergencies or dangerous situations occurring on campus that involve an immediate threat to students’ or employees’ health or safety.

    最大限度地提高安全性, students and employees will be encouraged to download the Everbridge application on their smartphones. 这款应用适用于苹果和安卓系统.

    Alerts will be sent (in this order) via the app, text message, phone call, and email. 收件人将被要求确认他们收到了警报. 一旦确认,警报将不会发送到其他通信方式.

    学生们应该下载这款应用,然后搜索“波尔克州”.然后他们应该选择“澳门新葡京博彩提醒”.” They will be asked to put in their Polk State 使用rname and password to complete the process. 教师 和工作人员 will receive employee-specific instructions via their Polk State emails.

    这款应用将包括两个新功能, 包括一个恐慌功能, which allows students and employees to report a suspicious incident or call for help. 用户可以按下手机上的“紧急”按钮, 拨打911, 警报的安全, 并允许学院和执法人员对他们的位置做出反应.

    另一个功能是“非紧急”按钮, 给澳门新葡京博彩安全调度台打电话. This would be 使用d in cases where the 使用r was not in danger but had a need like help with car trouble or access to a building.


  2. +失物招领处

    Lost-and-found is located in the 公共安全 and 安全 offices on both the 冬天还 and 莱克兰 camp使用s.

  3. +保安员

    澳门新葡京博彩 security officers have the authority to ask persons for identification and to determine whether the individuals have lawful business at the College. 安全 officers have the authority to issue parking violations to students, 教师, 和工作人员. 安全人员没有执法权力,也没有逮捕权. Criminal 澳门新葡京博彩 are referred to local law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction on the campus. The College 安全 Department maintains a good working relationship with the 冬天还 Police Department, 波尔克县警局, 莱克兰警察局, 和威尔士湖警察局. 安全 officers often collaborate with police officers when crimes or other 澳门新葡京博彩 requiring a police response are reported.

  4. +安全注意事项

    The following are some simple precautions that can be taken to reduce your possibility of becoming a crime victim:

    • 尽可能避免不安全的情况
    • 立即报告可疑、奇怪或危险的行为
    • 把注意力放在你周围发生的事情上,而不是你的手机上
    • Always carry your 手机, keep it charged, and activate GPS location services
    • 让别人知道你的日程安排和你白天的计划
    • 天黑后组团出行,或拨打863公共安全电话.297.1059美元,请保安护送
    • 把车停在光线充足的地方
    • 不要把贵重物品放在车内显眼的地方
    • 永远锁好车门
    • 任何时候都不要让贵重物品无人看管(包括教科书)。
    • 使用校园储物柜时,一定要锁好
    • 不要和别人分享你的密码
  5. +报告犯罪和其他紧急情况

    犯罪, 澳门新葡京博彩, 安全问题, and other emergencies on campus can be reported directly to 公共安全 and 安全 by dialing extension 5059 from any Polk State campus telephone. 另外, there are several blue-phone emergency call boxes strategically located throughout campus. 在紧急情况下, 蓝色电话可以直接联系公共安全部门. 按下呼叫按钮, the blue-phone automatically connects the caller to 公共安全 and 安全 and also indicates the location of the call. 电话立即连接到值班的保安, 那么,谁将为这种情况提供所需的适当服务.

    通过公共电话与公共安全部门取得联系, 手机, 或者校外电话, 个人应拨打 863.297.1059.

    学生, 教师 和工作人员 are encouraged to report all suspicious 活动 and persons observed on campus. Such calls should be made promptly to improve the ability of 公共安全 and 安全 to investigate the situation, 逮捕犯罪嫌疑人, 防止潜在的犯罪. Upon receipt of a call, security officers respond immediately to the site of the emergency. 所有的事故都会被调查,警官会提交一份报告.

    请注意,澳门新葡京博彩没有自愿入学的程序, 保密 举报犯罪. Beca使用 college reports are public records, the college cannot hold reports of crimes in confidence. Violations of the law will be referred to the appropriate local law enforcement agency, to the dean of student services and to the campus provost on the 冬天还 or 莱克兰 campus.

    A daily crime log is available for review during normal business hours at the 安全 Office in the LMB building on the 莱克兰 campus and in the WMS building on the 冬天还 campus. 有关犯罪的信息通常包括案件编号, 分类, 日期报告, 发生日期, 时间发生, 一般位置, 以及对每个罪行的处理.

  6. +性侵犯者或罪犯通知

    Florida Law requires persons designated as sexual 罪犯s or predators to register with the Sheriff’s Office if they are enrolled, 使用, 或者在本州的高等教育机构从事职业. 违法者必须报告以下信息:姓名, address, 每个机构所在的县, 包括每个就读的校园, 以及性犯罪者的入学或就业状况. Each change in enrollment or employment status shall be reported in person at the Sheriff’s Office, 身份变更后48小时内.

    Information about registered sexual 罪犯s and predators may be obtained through the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, 或致电本署热线(1.888.357.7332)或浏览民航处网页(网址 罪犯.fdle.状态.fl.us.

  7. +酒精饮料和非法药物

    澳门新葡京博彩是一个无毒的工作场所,也是一个无毒的学术机构. 学院员工和学生禁止非法持有, 使用, 出售, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on college property or as part of college 活动.

  8. +火器和/或武器

    佛罗里达法令790.115, prohibits individuals from possessing firearms or other dangerous weapons on Polk State property or at a school sponsored event, 除非佛罗里达州法律授权.


    根据佛罗里达州法令第790条.06 (12a), a concealed weapons license does not authorize any person to openly carry a handgun or carry a concealed weapon or firearm on Polk State property or at a school sponsored event.

  9. +性侵犯受害者

    如果一个人是澳门新葡京博彩性侵案的受害者, 首要任务是去一个安全的地方, call 911 or the appropriate law enforcement agency based on the location of the assault, 然后给波尔克州公共安全部门打电话. Polk State’s security officers will assist the victim in notifying the local law enforcement agency. 时间是证据收集和保全的关键因素.


  10. +大学司法诉讼

    澳门新葡京博彩 has a formal Discipline and Due Process Policy that is coordinated through the dean of student services. 此政策可通过澳门新葡京博彩网站和DBOT规则4获得.01.